Minggu, 09 Februari 2014



A.            Background
Among the students , especially for those who are formally bench SMP / MTs . The first use of drugs generally begins at elementary school age children or SMP / MTs . This happens usually because of an offer, inducement , or the pressure of a person or group of people to him , for example by peers . Curiosity driven , wants attempting , or want to wear , somebody willing to accept the offer . Furthermore , it is not difficult for him to accept the next offer

B.       Problem Sentented
Issues discussed in this Essay writing is :
1 . Understanding what drugs ?
2 . What are the Types of Drugs ?
3 . How Drug Treatment ?

C.       Purpose
The purpose of this Essay is :
1 . Knowing the Definition of Narcotics / Drugs
2 . Knowing the types of Narcotics / Drugs
3 . Knowing How to Drug Treatment

A.            Early History of Drugs
Approximately th . 2000 BC in Samaria pollen opion known or later known opium ( opium = papavor somniferitum ) . This flower thrives in upland areas above an altitude of 500 meters above sea level . The next deployment is in the direction of India , China and other Asian regions .
China then became a very fertile place in the spread of this opiate ( possible because of the climate and the state of the country ) . Entering the seventeenth century, the opium problem for China has become a national problem , and even in the nineteenth century occurred perangcandu where China finally conquered England with having to give up Hong Kong .
In 1806 a physician named Friedrich Wilhelim of Westphalia sertuner find modifications opium mixed with ammonia which was then known as Morphin ( taken from the name of the Greek god of dreams named Morphius ) .
In 1856 when the civil war broke out in the U.S. Morphin is very popular used for pain relief wounded prisoners of war settled some of the " addiction " referred to as the " soldier 's disease "
In 1874 a chemist named Alder Wright of London , boil the liquid morphine with anhydrous acid ( the acid that is a type of fungus ) This mixture took effect when tested by a dog that is: the dog lies down , fear , drowsiness and vomiting . But in 1898 a drug factory " Bayer " Heroin dengannama produce the drug , as the official pain reliever medicine ( pain killer ) .
60s - 70s opiate center spread of the world are in the area of ​​the "Golden Triangle " : Myanmar , Thailand and Laos . With production : 700 thousand tons per year . Also in the area of ​​the "Golden Crescent " ie Pakistan , Iran and Afghanistan from the Golden Crescent to Africa danAmerika .
In addition to morphine and heroin adalagi another type of cocaine ( coca throxylor ery ) is derived from the coca plant grown in Peru and Bolavia . Usually used to cure asthma and tuberculosis .
At the end of the 70s when the rate of increasing pressure of human life as well as the technology support diberilah special mixtures that opium can be also in the form of drugs .[1]

B.            Definition Of Drugs
Drugs which stands for Narcotics and dangerous drugs circulating in the community that have been popular in urban and rural areas , including for law enforcement officials . Actually ancient people also recognize the term as a designation for opiate opium or opium , a drug class that is derived from the sap of plants Poppy flower buds that grow around Thailand , Myanmar and Laos         ( The Golden Triangle ) as well as in Pakistan and Afghanistan .
In addition to drugs , other terms are introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health is a drug which is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances . All this term actually refers to a group of substances that generally have a risk that society is called dangerous addiction ( addiction ) .
Drugs or drug is a substance / substance when it enters the body mainly affects the body's central nervous system / brain so that when abused will cause physical , psychological / mental and social functioning . Because the government enforces the Act for drug abuse is Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances and the Law No.22 of 1997 on Narcotics .
Classes of psychotropic substances or drugs are either natural or synthetic narcotics are efficacious but not active against psychiatric ( psychoactive ) through its influence on the central nervous system , causing a certain change of the mental activity and behavior .
Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plant or not plant either synthetic or semi- synthetic that will cause changes in consciousness , it reduces to relieve pain and can lead to dependence ( addiction ) .

C.            Types of Drugs
Horizontal Scroll: [1] : http://evhynirfayani-scorpion.blogspot.com/2014/02/early-history-of-drugs.htmlNarcotics are often misused types are morphine , heroin ( putauw ) , pethidine , including marijuana or cannabis , marijuana , hashish and cocaine .
While this type is frequently misused psychotropic amphetamines , ecstasy , methamphetamine , tranquilizers such as Mogadon , rohypnol , dumolid , lexotan , pill Mix , BK , including LSD , Mushroom .
Other addictive substances here are materials / substances not Narcotics & Psychotropic Substances such as alcohol / ethanol or methanol , tobacco , inhaled gas ( inhalant ) or solvent ( solvent ) .
Often the use of cigarettes and alcohol , especially in the group of adolescents ( age 14-20 years ) parents should watch out for the use of both substances generally tend to be the entrance of the abuse of other drugs more dangerous ( putauw ) .
1.      Opiates or opium ( opium )
A class of natural narcotics are often used by way of inhaled (inhalation)
•   Creates a sense of busyness ( rushing sensation )
•   Potential spirit
•   Feeling sluggish running time
•   Dizziness , loss of balance / drunk
•   Feeling increased excitatory lust ( sexual barriers disappear )
•   problem occured skin around the mouth and nose .
2.      Morphine
An active substance ( narcotic ) derived from opium through chemical processing . Generally opium containing 10 % morphine . How to use an injection under the skin , into a muscle or vein ( intravenously )
•   Potential euphoria .
•   Nausea , vomiting , constipation stool ( constipation )
•   Confusion ( confusion )
•   Sweating
•   can cause fainting , heart palpitations
•   Restlessness and mood swings .
•   Dry mouth and face changed color .
3.      Heroin or heroin
A class of drugs that result from the processing semisintetis morphine chemically through 4 stages in order to obtain the most pure heroin yield 80 % to 99 % . Pure heroin is a white powder heroin while not pure white gray (street heroin) . This substance is very easily penetrate the brain that reacts stronger than morphine itself . Commonly used by injection or inhaled . Sense of busyness arise very fast / rushing sensastion ( ± 30-60 seconds ) followed by a sense of fun like a dream full of peace and contentment or peace of mind ( euphoria ) . Always wanted to be alone to enjoy it .
•   Pulse slowed .
•   Blood pressure decreased .
•   The muscles become weak / relaxed .
•   Diaphragm eye ( pupil ) shrink ( pin point ) .
•   Reduce or even eliminate self-confidence .
•   Forming his own world ( dissosial ) : unfriendly .
•   Deviations behavior : lying, cheating , stealing , criminal .
•   Dependence can occur within a few days .
 Side effects arising difficulties sexual drive , difficulty passing stool , heart palpitations , redness and itching around the nose , arising disorders sleep habits . If it is tolerance , the more prone to depression and anger while getting a mild euphoric effects or short
4.      Marijuana or Cannabis
Derived from the plant cannabis sativa and cannabis indica . In these plants contained 3 main substance tetrahydro cannabinol , kanabinol and kanabidiol . How to use smoked cigarettes in a manner resembling compacted using a pipe or cigarette .
•   heartbeat or pulse faster .
•   Dry mouth and throat .
•   Feel more relaxed , talkative and happy.
•   It's hard to remember anything of the incident.
•   Difficulty of performance that require concentration , swift reactions ,
and coordination .
•   sometimes become aggressive and even violent .
•   When use is stopped can be followed by headache , prolonged nausea
fatigue / tired .
•   Impaired sleep habits .
•   Sensitive and restless .
•   Sweating .
•   Fantasize
•   appetite increases
5.      LSD or lysergic acid or acid , trips , tabs
Including the hallucinogen class ( make imaginary ) which is obtained in the form of small squares of paper measuring ¼ stamps in many colors and images . There is also a form of pills or capsules . How to use it by putting LSD on the tongue surface and react after 30-60 minutes later and ended after 8-12 hours .
•   arises flavor called Tripping is like hallucinations place , color and
time .
•   Usually this hallucination combined into one to arise obsession with
perceived and wants to drift in it .
•   Being very beautiful or even creepy and over time create a feeling of
excessive worry ( paranoid ) .
•   Heart rate and blood pressure increases .
•   Diaphragm eyes widened and fever .
•   Disorientation .
•   Depression .
•   Dizziness
•   Panic and fear excessive .
•   Flashback ( remembering the past ) for a few weeks or months later .
•   Perception disorders such as feeling thin or losing weight .
6.      Cocaine
Having two forms of the acid form ( cocaine hydrochloride ) and base form ( free base ) . Cocaine is a white crystalline acid , slightly bitter taste and is more soluble than the free base form does not smell and bitter taste . Street names sometimes called coca , coke , happy dust , snow , charlie , srepet , snow , white . Abused by inhaling a pile of cocaine that is split into several parts lined up straight on top of the glass surfaces and objects .

D.    For Student Drug
In Indonesia , the drug addict progress more rapidly . The drug addict is generally aged between 11 to 24 years . This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of the student . At first , students were taking drugs usually begins with introduction to cigarettes . Because of this habit seems to have become a natural thing among today's students . Of this habit , the association continues to increase , especially when the students join in an environment of people who have become drug addicts . At first try , and then run into dependency . The negative impact of drug abuse on children or adolescents       ( learner - ed ) is as follows :
*        The change in attitude , temperament and personality ,
*         Often truant , decreasing discipline and values ​​lessons ,
*         Become irritable and quick to anger ,
*         Frequent yawning , sleepy , and lazy ,
*         No health care for themselves ,
*         Like stealing to buy drugs .

E.     Drug Dangers for Teens
Abuse of narcotics and illicit drugs among young people today are growing rise of the deviant behavior of young generation , can endanger the survival of this nation in the future . Because as a young generation that is expected to be the successor of the nation , is increasingly fragile encroached addictive substances nerve destroyer . So the young man can not think clearly . As a result , the generation of hope and intelligent resilient nation will only stay memorable . The objective of this is the spread of drugs young people or teenagers . When averaged, these drugs target age is the age of the learner , which ranges from age 11 to 24 years . This indicates that the dangers of drugs can be targeted at any time at any of our students .
Drugs are the abbreviation of narcotics and illegal drugs .
While nafza an abbreviation of narcotics , alcohol , and other addictive substances ( drugs , which result in a person having a dangerous dependence on these drugs ) . These two terms are often used for the same term , although the term nafza broader in scope .
Narcotics derived from three types of plants , namely (1) opium , (2) marijuana , and (3) coca. Drug dependence can be defined as a state that encourages a person to consume illicit drugs repeatedly or continuously.
If he did not feel addicted ( sakau ) resulting in feelings of discomfort even feeling very ill on the body.

F.      The Positive Effect Of Narcotics to Human Life
Even so , every life has two sides of a coin . Behind negative impact , narcotics also have a positive impact . If used properly , especially to save lives and assist in treatment , drug benefits for human life . Following the positive impact of narcotics :
1.      Opioids
Opioids or opium used for centuries as a pain reliever and to prevent coughing and diarrhea .
2.      Cocaine
Erythroxylon coca plant leaves are usually chewed to get a stimulant effect , such as to increase endurance and stamina and reduce fatigue .
3.      Cannabis ( marijuana / joint)
People earlier use of cannabis plants for bag making material because it produces a very strong fiber . Cannabis seeds are also used as raw material for oil .

G.    Prevention Efforts
Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs among students , it should be our responsibility . In this case all parties including parents , teachers , and the community must take an active role in a drug alert to threats to our children . The efforts of more concrete we can do is cooperate with the authorities to do counseling about the dangers of drugs , or may hold a sudden raid on a regular basis . Then assistance from parents themselves by giving attention and affection . The school must conduct strict controls over the movements of their students , because usually the spread ( transaction ) drugs often occurs around the school . No less important is the moral and religious education should be emphasized to students . Since one of the causes of children fall into this vicious cycle is the lack of moral and religious education of their absorption , so this was a disgraceful act like , finally they live .
Therefore , from now on , we as educators , teachers , and as a parent , should be alert and vigilant , the dangers of drugs which at times can ensnare children of our own . With these efforts above , let us watch and watch our students, from the dangers of drugs , so our expectations for the spawn generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized with a well

H.    How Drug Treatment
Relief Drugs patients bathed with warm water , drink a lot , eat - nutritious food in small amounts and often and diverted attention from the drug.
Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins ( drugs or other addictive substances ) from the body by stopping the total usage of all addictive substances are used or with a reduced dose of replacement medication .
After undergoing detoxification to its conclusion ( already negative urine tests ) , the physical body is not " addicted " again , but psychologically there is a sense of longing and missed the substance is still being trailed the minds and feelings of the addict

A.       Conclusion
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that :
1.      Drugs are very dangerous goods and can damage the nervous system that can change a person's personality becomes progressively worse
2.      Drug crime is a source of action which could undermine the norm
and public tranquility .
3.       Drugs can cause negative effects on the body that affect both physical and psychological
4.      Narcotics / Drugs which stands for Narcotics and Drug / hazardous materials circulating in the community that have been popular in urban and rural areas , including for law enforcement officials .
5.       Type Narcotics are often abused are morphine , heroin ( putauw ) , pethidine , including marijuana or cannabis , marijuana , hashish and cocaine
  1. Suggestion
In the problems we face let us always seek the solution in a way that is good and positive thinking . Drug problems among adolescents are just a few problems that we face . Maybe I can give you advice in solving the problems of drugs , among others :
1.      Parents should always pay attention to the behavior and changes in behavior.
2.       Affection from parents and religious education .

Hopefully this scientific work can be used as a reference in the response to drugs in adolescents . And hopefully in the future of this nation can be better and free of drugs 

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